HOW Festival 2022

The Hotel Operations Weekend festival, the only European conference on hotel operations, will be held from October 20 to 21.

This year, the sixth edition of the HOW Festival will gather more than 500 experts from the entire region with professional experience in the hotel industry.

The program consists of a series of interesting presentations, interviews and panels, and just some of the current topics are the role of hotels in the future, the efficiency of hotel operations, issues and tips related to technology and the workforce.

ISTRA TECH will sponsor a panel on the topic of creating a unique hotel restaurant and bar concept and present its solutions that contribute to the successful management and functioning of hotel business.

Find out more about the program, topics and lecturers below.

HOW Festival 2022

Time and place: 20 to 21 October 2022 Hotel Ambasador, Liburnia Hotels & Villas, Opatija