MISH MIS – managerial information system

“Managerial information system” is an application that enables planning and reporting necessary for quality company management.

MISH MIS is intended for planning and analysis departments, controlling department, and all company managerial structures.

Basic functions:

The application is composed of the following modules and programmes: MISH USAM – planning and reporting on performance on a monthly level, MISH USAD – planning and reporting on performance on a daily level, MISH DW – data warehouse, certain programmes from the MISH applications REC, GAS, FIN, MAT and KOD intended for management.

MISH USAM – Planning and reporting on performance on a monthly level

Definition and entry of own reports according to USALI or some other standards based on accounts of the main book from FIN;
Definition and entry of parallel organisational structures for reporting
Definition and entry of plan items (can be uploaded from Excel files) and an allocation matrix,
Overview and creation of reports on the plan and performance (overview on screen, data export into PDF, RTF, HTML, XML, TXT, Excel) and creation of various control reports

MISH USAD – Planning and reporting on performance on a daily level

A set of programmes that enables the following: Definition and creation of own reports according to USALI or some other standards on daily income, specific costs and work hours based on information from: REC (performance indicators and journal items), GAS (entry rules for USALI) i DES (daily work records), Overview and creation of reports on the plan and performance (overview on screen, data export into PDF, RTF, HTML, XML, TXT, Excel)

MISH DW – Data Warehouse

MISH KPP – Key performance indicators

Collection of graphical business representations from the main MISH modules. The key information is shown by means of dials, speedometers, traffic lights, tables, graphs,…, which facilitates the supervision and control of the entire business process. For each MISH module, there is an initial KPP set of indicators that can be optionally supplemented with specific indicators at the customer’s request.

Programmes from MISH applications REC, GAS, FIN, MAT and KOD intended for management

Display and analysis of the booking state from the MISH modules PRO and REC (AU quantities, overnight stays, income and average prices per AU) according to about 50 different criterions, Display of prognoses analysis from the MISH modules PRO and REC (AU quantities, overnight stays, net and gross income, VAT,…) according to about 20 different criterions, Display of à la carte analysis and boarding house: meals, costs, margins,… from MISH GAS, Display and analyses for management from the KOD and DES modules (cost of salaries, average hourly wage,…), Display and analyses of financial data for management from the FIN and MAT modules

misH MIS - mjesecni plan

misH MIS - dnevni izvjestaj


misH MIS - Mjesecni izvjestaj

misH MIS - kljucni pokazatelji poslovanja


misH MIS - uredivanje grafa

misH MIS - pokazatelji uspjesnosti