The information system (IS) and its importance for the enterprise can be compared with the nervous system and its importance for living organisms. The more complex the organism (enterprise) and the environment in which it operates is, the more complex the nervous (information) system is needed to survive in nature (the market).
When we talk about IS today, it is understood that it is based on modern computer and communication technologies, i.e. it is computerized, so computerization is most often synonym for building an information system (although this is only one of the prerequisites).
Building a quality information system
For building and functioning of a quality information system, it is important to harmonize several basic elements:
- hardware and communication equipment (computers, networks and various other electronic equipment)
- software (computer programs)
- organization (rules and procedures of work and organization)
- staff (people trained to use and maintain IS)
Small hotel and catering companies usually have (need) a simple IS, while complex companies and hotel chains usually need more complex IS.
Purpose of the information system
The primary purpose of any information system is to deliver the right information at the right time to the right place at an acceptable cost
Some information can be obtained easily, quickly and without major costs while some are obtained difficult, slow and with high cost. The ratio of the value of information (profits and / or savings) and the costs required to obtain them is a measure of the profitability of investing in IS.
A hotel catering company is a complex business entity that, in order to function, performs certain tasks and processes.
The size of a company does not determine whether these jobs and processes will be performed or not, but only determines their quantity and quality. Every company must do some procurement, sales, planning, finance and accounting, payroll, etc., but the question is how much work someone will do and how much quality (i.e. how much time, people and other resources will / can / should be hired).
With the development of information technology and the needs of enterprises, the focus of IS has changed and changed over the years. It started with the computerization of only certain functions, ie jobs in the company, and independently of each other. Today, a quality information system implies comprehensiveness and integrity.
This means that it encompasses and connects all services and processes in the company, that it integrates various electronic devices and devices into the system, and that it is connected to various systems outside the company.
IS today, and even more so in the future, in addition to speeding up operational operations, primarily serves quality company management , so the selection, introduction, use and maintenance of IS must be given maximum attention.
Davor Brenko, dipl. ing.
“Tourism and hospitality management, 02 / 2006”