MISH KPP – key performance indicators

“Key Performance Indicators” is an application that provides a graphical representation of business performance indicators from the main MISH modules.

Common performance indicators (CPI) from REC: Quantity of accommodation units (AU) (real and working), Number of beds (real and working), Quantity of AUs and beds out of use (real and working), Quantity of available AUs and beds (real and working), Quantity of occupied AUs, Number of overnight stays, Quantity of free AUs, Number of free overnight stays, Quantity of occupied payable AUs, Number of payable overnight stays, Quantity of available AUs and beds (real and working), Quantity of multiple occupied AUs, Multiple occupancy factor, Occupancy rate of AUs and beds (real and working), Occupancy share of AUs and beds (real and working), Average number of guests in AU, Average length of stay, Income amount (according to 3 criterions), Average income per AU and overnight stay (according to 3 criterions), Number of guest arrivals, Number of guests arrivals without reservations, Number of no-show guests,…

In addition to the initial set of indicators created for each MISH module, specific indicators in accordance with customer needs can be included optionally.

MISH KPP Dashboard

misH KPP - REC ploča

misH KPP - POS ploča

misH KPP - GAS ploča

misH KPP - Nocenja

misH KPP - Promet kase

misH KPP - Porez